Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yet Another Assignment

After a long time being away from studies, today we got our new assignment related to our 4th yr project. We job is to get familiar with the very well know software MATLAB (Matrix-Laboratory). In order to do this we have to read only the help of the software. Not only this we also have to demonstrate one of the algorithms using this MATLAB. I don't know why sir believes on us so much. He gave us a weeks time to complete this. Hopefully we all(except some) will try to do this in best possible way. Let's see what we can do in a weeks time...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Day Of The Jackal

Instead of preparing for GATE, today I was wasted the whole day reading a novel (The Day Of The Jackal). After reading few pages of the novel I realized that my speed of reading the novel is such that I will be able to complete it in decades. The main problem I am facing while reading this novel is my very weak vocabulary. Facing lots & lots of new unfamiliar words and looking for all these words in the dictionary is just too much time consuming. But beside all these I would say that novel is quite interesting till now & I hope that it...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Second Consecutive Day of Masti

Today is just the second day that I have reached kolkata. And continuously for these two days two different places. Yesterday Esplanade & today South City.. :) Having too much fun. Today we (Me, Ashish & Rajan) went also went to spencers. We purchased three different deodorants. Interesting thing was that both Ashish & Rajan bought deo for the first time. :P :P Apart from all these fun I realized that Ashish was just lost in some different world. In support of the above statement I am sharing a short incident. Me & Ashish planned...

Thursday, January 5, 2012


This term was totally unknown to me till today. But thanks to Shoubhik that I heard this word for the first time. Then I googled for the meaning of this word. TTYtter is a console based twitter client. We can use twitter through the terminal(Linux terminal since TTYtter is linux based) using TTYtter. It is used not just for posting tweets, but has advanced options like any other well-known Twitter desktop client. It is not an application but it is a python script that allows us to use twitter through the terminal....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to Kolkata

Finally after everlasting holidays(15 days approx.) I m back to kolkata which now seems to be real home for me. My train was at 8:05 in the morning & my brother's train was at 9:33 in the morning(he was returning from home to bokaro - His temporary residence). We both left home together. And due to the greatness of Indian Railways, my train arrived around 50 minutes after my brother's train. But after reaching kolkata I was amazed when I saw my watch. I reached kolkata atleast 1 hr early from my expectations. This is ather greatness of India...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Last day at home. :'(Feeling too nostalgic. Why this happen always, on the last day that we dont want 2 go back... And this feeling comes only after purchasing the return ticket. :-(I hope after returning back I will not waste time like this instead I will do something fruitfull.Today is the birthday of 2 of my friends. Among them 1 is too busy to take any call & for the other I promised him that I will meet him today but due to this cold weather I think that I will break my promise.. :-( Nyways I hope for a very good future for them ahead..Intresting...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Boring Days

Yet again a very bad, boring & eventless day. Simply nothing to do & due to continuous rain also not able to go outside. Day was so boring that I was not able to get any interest in movies too. Tried to watch 2-3 movies but was not able to watch any of them more than 10 mins. :( :(Those who are placed in Accenture are too busy these days and we(especially me) TCS placed are just not able to find anything to do. Got too much bored with the holidays. Now I will be back to Kolkata most probably on 4th. My friend is also waiting there for me...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

This year [2012] I took the resolution to start blogging. First of all I was not able to decide what type of blog it should be. But finally I thought to write a blog through which I will share all my new experiences, learning’s and anything that will happen in my life. Starting a new year with a lot of hopes. I hope this year will bring a lot of happiness & a lot of exciting things to learn. Day Full of Rain : Beginning of this year was full...