Monday, December 31, 2012

ILP Days

Now its almost around 3 months and I would say, I have learned a little & enjoyed the days a lot. It was only for 60 working days but it created a great impact in my life. "Big things come in small packages." In the beginning it was a bit tough because all the faces were completely new to me. It took some time but I got few really very good & special friends in this small ILP. This ILP gave lots of great memories such as my first salary....

Friday, September 28, 2012

The BIG Day

Really it was a big day. The day I got the first salary of my life. It was really an awesome experience. Getting salary this month was never on the cards. But as we reached office today, it was like we may get the salary today. Just it was the matter of checking the email for the confirmation. But unfortunately, internet was not available at that moment. Seriously, at that time I was hoping that we shouldn't get the salary now because...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Life! New experiences! New Friends!

After spending 15 days in TCS, its like I am used to this hectic life. There is no time to do what I like or things of my interest. Life is getting boring & boring. No excitement is left in the life. Its like waking up early in the morning then go to office then return home at night, have dinner & sleep. And the circle goes on. That's all left in my life. Today I really feel the importance of a friend. I could enjoy in the office but...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

1st Week of the Corporate Life

Finally after a very long & arduous week its time to blog! My corporate journey started on 10th of September at nearly 8:10 A.M. in the morning when I entered the campus of TCS. Then we stepped towards the auditorium which was quite awesome. It gave me a feel that I was sitting in inox, facing a big screen. Then there were sessions of lectures, then the document verification and many other joining formalities. Most of the time we were all...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Some words about TCS

  These days my best pastime is exploring about TCS.Only 10 days are remaining before I join the company. So, I am curious to have a closer look at TCS. About salary hikes, about designations, about discounts as a TCS employee. I also heard the rumor that if a we(TCS'ers) marry among our colleagues then will be gifted Rs. 1 lakh each from TCS. But after surfing the net I found that its really a rumor and 0% truth is there in it. U can check...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Rajan

This post is dedicated to one of my best friends ever, Rajan. Today is his birthday. I know him from Std. XI. And he was also my roomie for the 4 yrs of my college life. Really last night I was missing all the Masti that we have done while celebrating all the b’days in Shyamalima(The place we spent the last 2yrs of college life). Those whole night masti, those candles, funny names on the cake, everyone’s  face coloured with cake,...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Waiting for ICS

  As the ICS update for my phone is available, I am eagerly waiting to connect my phone to a good speed internet connection. Instead, Currently Gingerbread is the most popular android version. Still more than 60% of the people use Gingerbread.   Version     Codename     Distribution    1.5Cupcake0.2% 1.6Donut0.5% 2.1Eclair4.2% 2.2Froyo15.5% 2.3.xGingerbread60.3% 3.1Honeycomb0.5% 3.2Honeycomb1.8% 4.0.x Ice...

USB 3.0

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It came into existence in January 1996 as USB 1.0. After that USB 1.1 & USB 2.0 were released. Now the era of USB 3.0 has arrived. USB 3.0 was released way back in 2008 but its still not so popular. The major advantages of USB 3.0 are :- Super-Speed - USB 3.0 works at Super-Speed ( i.e. 5Gbps ~ 625MB/sec ) unlike USB 2.0 which works at High-Speed ( i.e. 60MB/sec ). Bidirectional...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Full Screen Command Prompt in Windows 7.

I am sure that many of us may know this trick. But I think the small form of command prompt may be still annoying some people. This will be helpful for those who don't know how to enable full screen command prompt in windows 7. Just follow these simple steps : Open the Command Prompt. Enter the command wmic & hit Enter. Click the maximize button to get a real full screen window of Command Prompt. Right click the maximized Command Prompt...

Login to your Facebook account with different passwords.

As we all know that we can login to our facebook accounts by different usernames like your email id, registered mobile no. or your username. But do you know that we can also login to our accounts by using different passwords. Yes, its true. I found it on a blog. We can use three different passwords to login. The main password that you use to login. Now if u toggle your password between upper case & lower case then also it will work fine....

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Introducing Command Prompt option to the Right-Click Menu.

This will be helpful especially to the programmers who use the command prompt too often. You can do this by simply editing your registry. Steps : Start > Run Enter "regedit" and hit Enter Expand to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\DesktopBackground\Shell" Right-click on "Shell" and select New > KeyMake sure a new key is created under "shell". Change the name of this key to "Command Prompt" Right-click on this new key "Command Prompt"...

Friday, August 10, 2012

2G! 3G! GPRS! GSM! Edge! HSDPA! A Brief Explanation.

Mobile networks! Right now it has become a part of our lives. We can't think of life without mobile networks. However most of the people are confused with the differences between them. I was also confused about all these things. But now these things are quite clear to me. Right now the most important & the most widely used is the GPRS.   GSM Initially GSM modems came into existence. Does anyone remeber the times we used those horrible...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

One Month to Go. The Countdown Begins.

Finally the countdown begins as only 1 month to go before I will enter into the corporate world. I am eagerly waiting for that day when I will officially become a TCS'er. When this long vacation(Almost 3 months) started, I thought how these days will pass by. But today when only one month is remaining, the days are starting to fly. I am also a bit scared about the life to come, when I think of those who have already joined like Abhay, Debraj, etc. They are so busy in Accenture that their social life has just ended. When this vacation started...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Unemployed after getting a Job

Now as my college life is over, No more classes, No more bunks, No more classroom masti, simply it feels like everything is over.. :( I am UNEMPLOYED! :( Since my final year result is also out (on 23th July), now I am officially not a part of NSEC.. Anyways its a part of life. It was really tough for me when I was leaving the college, but as time passed I really managed to cope up with these things. The day when I was leaving my flat was really memorable. Dumbsheraaj was also awesome. I got some real good friends like my flat mates, Alisha, Debraj,...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

End of College Life

Finally its the end of my college life. Today I gave my last exam of the last semester of my life. This was the first time, instead of being happy I was really very sad. It felt like everything is gone. I really don't know how these four years passed. Now its time to say goodbye to many of my real best friends. I don't know how I will fulfill their absence. I don't know with whom I will share everything. Today in college I was seeing the faces of my friends and I was thinking that I am never going to see him/her again. This feeling was really...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yet Another Assignment

After a long time being away from studies, today we got our new assignment related to our 4th yr project. We job is to get familiar with the very well know software MATLAB (Matrix-Laboratory). In order to do this we have to read only the help of the software. Not only this we also have to demonstrate one of the algorithms using this MATLAB. I don't know why sir believes on us so much. He gave us a weeks time to complete this. Hopefully we all(except some) will try to do this in best possible way. Let's see what we can do in a weeks time...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Day Of The Jackal

Instead of preparing for GATE, today I was wasted the whole day reading a novel (The Day Of The Jackal). After reading few pages of the novel I realized that my speed of reading the novel is such that I will be able to complete it in decades. The main problem I am facing while reading this novel is my very weak vocabulary. Facing lots & lots of new unfamiliar words and looking for all these words in the dictionary is just too much time consuming. But beside all these I would say that novel is quite interesting till now & I hope that it...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Second Consecutive Day of Masti

Today is just the second day that I have reached kolkata. And continuously for these two days two different places. Yesterday Esplanade & today South City.. :) Having too much fun. Today we (Me, Ashish & Rajan) went also went to spencers. We purchased three different deodorants. Interesting thing was that both Ashish & Rajan bought deo for the first time. :P :P Apart from all these fun I realized that Ashish was just lost in some different world. In support of the above statement I am sharing a short incident. Me & Ashish planned...

Thursday, January 5, 2012


This term was totally unknown to me till today. But thanks to Shoubhik that I heard this word for the first time. Then I googled for the meaning of this word. TTYtter is a console based twitter client. We can use twitter through the terminal(Linux terminal since TTYtter is linux based) using TTYtter. It is used not just for posting tweets, but has advanced options like any other well-known Twitter desktop client. It is not an application but it is a python script that allows us to use twitter through the terminal....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to Kolkata

Finally after everlasting holidays(15 days approx.) I m back to kolkata which now seems to be real home for me. My train was at 8:05 in the morning & my brother's train was at 9:33 in the morning(he was returning from home to bokaro - His temporary residence). We both left home together. And due to the greatness of Indian Railways, my train arrived around 50 minutes after my brother's train. But after reaching kolkata I was amazed when I saw my watch. I reached kolkata atleast 1 hr early from my expectations. This is ather greatness of India...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Last day at home. :'(Feeling too nostalgic. Why this happen always, on the last day that we dont want 2 go back... And this feeling comes only after purchasing the return ticket. :-(I hope after returning back I will not waste time like this instead I will do something fruitfull.Today is the birthday of 2 of my friends. Among them 1 is too busy to take any call & for the other I promised him that I will meet him today but due to this cold weather I think that I will break my promise.. :-( Nyways I hope for a very good future for them ahead..Intresting...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Boring Days

Yet again a very bad, boring & eventless day. Simply nothing to do & due to continuous rain also not able to go outside. Day was so boring that I was not able to get any interest in movies too. Tried to watch 2-3 movies but was not able to watch any of them more than 10 mins. :( :(Those who are placed in Accenture are too busy these days and we(especially me) TCS placed are just not able to find anything to do. Got too much bored with the holidays. Now I will be back to Kolkata most probably on 4th. My friend is also waiting there for me...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

This year [2012] I took the resolution to start blogging. First of all I was not able to decide what type of blog it should be. But finally I thought to write a blog through which I will share all my new experiences, learning’s and anything that will happen in my life. Starting a new year with a lot of hopes. I hope this year will bring a lot of happiness & a lot of exciting things to learn. Day Full of Rain : Beginning of this year was full...